Sunday, September 20, 2009

Journal # 1

Initially, I felt as if these first few weeks of class I would only be reviewing musical material that I felt I had already known, however I was wrong. In these first few weeks of class, I was able to review musical concepts I already knew, such as notes, their placement on the music staff and how to keept a steady beat. However, I was able to learn a great deal of new musical concepts such as how to play the recorder, make up children songs and put them with notes on a music staff, as well as what the true meaning of a time signature was. In addition to learning new musical concepts, I learned a wealth of knowledge on how to "teach" music to children and how to use music as a tool in the classroom. Specifically, I learned classroom management skills, how to keep children active in the classroom with warm up activities, and how to help children develope other skills outside of the musical ones, such as social skills.
I was able to learn new musical concepts like playing the recorder with one on one instruction help from my teacher and classmates, as well as having the teacher draw the finger placements on the board which helped me because I am a visual learner. Another way in which I was able to learn a new musical concept was when the teacher put musical notes to simple children songs and then had us perform them on our recorder. I was able to place myself in the situation of the student and learn how to teach the student in the best way by learning how to teach myself. We also used rhythm sticks to help us figure out what notes to put along with the words in the songs, and I would definitely use that technique in my classes. I also was instructed by the teacher on what the true meaning of a time signature is by explaining what the top and bottom numbers represented. I was able to learn other teaching skills by observing my teacher in the ways in which she directed our class. For example, my teacher keeps us engaged by having us students move around the room during warm ups, and she also teaches us social skills by making us students constantly work in partners.
It was very important for me to learn both musical and teaching concepts because I am not fully confident in music and I feel that when I have a classroom of my own, I will feel more comfortable using it in my classroom. This is especially important because it is good to have music in the classroom as a tool for learning, and this class has helped me to develope my musical skills more. It is also important for me to learn how to incorporate many skills into one activity to make my teaching more efficient and my teacher does this often in our classroom, and I would like to someday do this in mine.
It is important for children in elementary school to learn these musical concepts as well because it is important for them to become more comfortable around their peers socially, and musically, and all of the activites we do in class provide this experience for them. Singing songs, dancing and/or playing instruments all at once along with their fellow students will help children not just musically, but socially and will help them become great multitaskers. Performing songs like "Double Double Ice Cream" while singing, and dancing and working with partners is just one example of how a multiple level activity is efficient in teaching students a great deal of skills, both musical and non musical.
My experience so far within this class has shown me that music in the classroom is a very powerful tool and it brings togetherness in the class. I like being able to show my full creativity in this class, and I want this experience for my own students. It is important for children to have a personal, social and creative outlet especially at a young age, and having music in the classroom provides this. I am trying my best to take mental notes,(as well as written ones) on how my teacher instructs and leads our class because these are the tips that will benefit me the most when it comes to actual teaching and actual classroom management and experience.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Sam. I am glad to know that you've learned so much in this first unit.
