1. A long term goal is what the teacher uses to help demonstrate what is to be accomplished in the learning environment by the end of semester or year. An example of a long term goal in a music class would be "students will understand the foundational musical concept of reading musical notes and providing the right pitches when singing them". A short term goal is similar in relation to the long term goal however, a short term goal helps the teacher address tasks to be accomplished within a specific and shorter period of time. An example of a short term goal would be " students will learn to sing their abc's using the proper pitch by the end of the class period". 2. A musical concept is a group of musical ideas that are combined based on common properties. Six musical concepts listed in the textbook are melody, texture, tone color, dynamics, rhythm, and form.
3. A musical skill is any action that a person does to make music. One example of a musical skill would be singing. Another example of a musical skills would be playing an instrument such as the flute. Lastly, an example of a musical skill would be keeping a steady beat by snapping your fingers.
4. The possible sequence of a lesson plan would being with describing what the musical activity involved in the lesson will be. The next step in the lesson plan would be to describe the age or grade level that the lesson plan is directed towards. The following step is to describe the concepts in which you want to teach your students in the lesson. The next step in writing the lesson plan is to write what materials you will need for your lesson. The following step is when you will write your objectives for the lesson or what you want the students to get accomplished during and from the lesson. Next in writing the lesson plan you will describe both the preliminary and main content procedures in which will help the students accomplish the objectives of the lesson plan. The next step of the lesson plan would be to provide closure and tie in all of the aspects of the lesson plan together. Finally, the last step in writing the lesson plan would be to assess the lesson itself, the effectiveness of it, how well you taught it and how well the students understood and performed their tasks involved in the lesson.
5. The nine national standards in music education include the following" 1. Singing, along and with others, a varied repertoire of music 2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments 4.Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines 5.Reading and notating music 6.Listening to, analyzing, and describing music 7.Evaluating music and musical performances 8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts 9. Understanding music inrelation to history and culture.
6. Music is very important in a child's education for many reasons. One of the reasons music is so important in relation to a child's education is because it provides a creative outlet for students to express themselves, which can lead to higher learning. Also, music is important because it can keep a child's interest and attention longer by providing them with alternative ways of learning, which keeps things in the classroom more interesting. Music is needed because it can inspire, teach and bring out creativity in all children, and I feel that is the purpose of music.
Friday, September 11, 2009
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Excellent job!